Monday, June 25, 2007

Skipping ahead a bit to Week 5, thing #10

Thing#10: Play around with an online image generator

And I can say, I had way, way too much fun with this one: Meez

For this thing, we were supposed to play with one of the generators: Meez, yahoo avatars, speech agents... and post our results.

Here's mine:

Ahhhhh..... Ahoy there Captain Jack! Hey, Sim-me, take it easy on the Captain! ;)
I just wish real-life me looked as good as sim-me.


MysticSpirit said...

Cap'n Jack looks scared stiff. ;O)) *LOL* Very nice! This is very interesting indeed, and I'm looking forward to your progress.

georgiaonmymind said...


Cap'n Jack is my favorite movie pirate. You did a great job, but then you always do!

Nice Guy said...

My favorite image genearting site is where you will find over 5,000 generators (serious to silly).